The function of shoe finishing process

source:Guangzhou Geao Polymer Materials Co.,Ltd date:2014-4-27

How to use Leather care Product to protect our shoes
1.polish your shoes regularly to keep the moisture and keep the luster.
2.if your heel is worn or broken to take them to a shoemaker , to see if they can be fixed .
3. waterproof suede and matte shoes and use a soft brush to gently lift the dirt.
4.cloth or canvas shoes can often be cleaned by hand or machine washing . They crumpled newsletter keeps its shape wash after filling while drying .
5.wearing a different pair of shoes every other day rotation you that will help your shoes last longer and wear less .
6.constantly rubbing against your skin may cause uneven wear your shoes . Try changing the thickness of your socks until you find a pair of shoes to keep you rub the wrong way . the inside of shoes , which is especially important if the odor is a problem. Drops of tea tree oil with alcohol or anti- fungal agents to clean the inside of shoes . Be careful not to spill to avoid dirty leather. prevent perspiration , which will weaken your insoles.
9.use shoe trees , they help maintain the shape of the shoe.
10.the use of milk shoes can better protect your shoes.

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Leather care product